What i learned

I got this from a tag in xanga. Since i barely use xanga, i'll post it here. :]
I need to tag 20 people, but there aren't that many eh :)) haha. Kung sino nalang mapadpad dito, you make your own din :P

I was 5 when i first learned how to make pancakes with the pilsbury dough with my mom, and how to smile when there's a camera around. I learned how to blow the candle off my birthday cake without some impatient person to blow it off for me. I first tried to cut my hair and cried.

I was 6 when i learned how to swim and ride a bike (with training wheels). It was the last time i peed in bed. I got hospitalized and learned that it wasn't as bad, I actually liked staying there. It was that time that I learned doing certain things aren't cute anymore.

I was 7 i learned how to dance and love it. I learned the value of education, it wasn't just some gold/red/blue sticker placed on your report card, it can help a lot in the future. I had the ugliest haircut ever at this point.

I was 8 when i learned that sometimes, some people who you thought were going to be with you forever can easily walk out the front door and never come back. And they don't send gifts during birthdays or holidays either.

I was 9 when i learned that grown-ups aren't invincible, and they don't know everything, and they sometimes need a hug to remind them everything will be okay. I learned that I have to love and value the people who stay with me and love me.

I was 10 when I first had a crush who liked me back. I first had allowance as money and not food. I had my first 'lakwatcha' with friends until late nights, and sleepovers. I first lost my wallet, got scolded at, and wept.

I was 11 when i first felt the pressure of responsibilities building up, and learned the value of hard earned money. I found my wallet. I experienced my first theme park ride, and puked.

I was 12 when i thought i first fell in love, and lost. I gained the best friendship ever with my group of friends, i hoped it would last forever, but it didn't. I learned how to commute. I learned how to take care of myself.

I was 13 when i was introduced to a brand new world beyond the one i knew, and i didn't know i was ignorant till then. I learned to live life from a new point of view. I learned how to deal with peer pressure and false rumors.

I was 14 when i enjoyed the simple reasons for being happy. I learned what i was capable of, what i'm good at, where i need to improve. I knew myself better. I learned that you can't get everything you want. I learned what it was like and what it meant to be truly and genuinely happy. I learned that life is tough, but you need to be tougher.

I was 15 when i first experienced a heartbreak. I learned who my true friends are. I learned how to be proud for my own accomplishments.I looked back at my life and realized where i went wrong, and i had my regrets. I learned that you don't always get what you deserve. Life is not fair.

I was 16 when i gained a wider circle of acquaintances and friends. But i kept a smaller, tighter circle for the real friends i have. I learned how to give the best in what i do. I learned how to sacrifice for the things you love, and for the responsibilities you need to do. I learned the true meaning of happiness, and that happiness does not equal success.

16 years of learning and going.. What else do i need to realize about life?


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