The End

Is the world finally coming to its bitter end? I, for one, was not a believer of the 12.21.2012 "the end of the world" trend. Like the former "end of the world" theory of 2000, I simply put it off as another false prophecy. Though recently, terrifying news about calamities have been spreading like wildfire all over international news. Libyans are doomed under the wrath of the evil dictator a hundred times worse than Marcos ever was, the Japanese are pathetically coping with the tsunami's horrible effects, and God-knows-what will happen next. I read and re-read the news online. I researched about bible predictions, Gnostic texts, Nostradamus and the Mayans, and other news related to this. There have been a lot of preparations by the US and Russia, such as underground shelters and submarines strong enough to withstand... well, 2012. Read these.

Our earth is constantly loosing the south pole. We are experiencing this and people don't even know about this phenomenon. Final stage of this is called pole shift, which can occur on December 21th 2012 according to our scientists. Earthquakes and volcanic activity are happening more and more often. All Greece was in fire in 2007 and people couldn't manage it at all. Country was devastated - turned from paradise to hell in few days. Many people lost their homes, everything. But it's not only Greece and fire... There was 80 earthquakes in March 2010. Thousands people have died and we were hopeless. Island's volcano erupted, causing paralysis of European airports for weeks or maybe even months. Tornadoes, tsunamis, , floods... In last years, it has became common... What will happen in 2012? God bless us all.

2012 Nostradamus predictions paint a bleak picture of massive destruction and havoc brought about by a comet. It is not clear whether this comet will strike the earth or will pass very close to our planet, causing massive earthquakes and other cataclysmic occurrences. But all interpreters of his quatrains are united on the opinion that it will be a comet which will come somewhere in December 2012. Nostradamus writes in one of his quatrains – “In the sky will be seen a great fire dragging a trail of sparks”. This line clearly suggest a comet and many are of the opinion that it will be very big in size. Certain interpreters put the size to be just a little less than the planet Jupiter, and if such a comet passes close to the earth the effect of its gravity will cause the oceans to rise and also give rise to earthquakes.

For 2012 Nostradamus also suggest that because of the massive destruction caused by the comet there will be widespread anarchy and certain nations can take advantage and plunge the world into a third World War. One of the quatrains says – “King of terror shall come from the sky. He will bring to life the King of Mongols.” This line has been interpreted that after the coming of the comet China will gain prominence and might start attacking countries to gain supremacy.

2012 Nostradamus predictions also gives an indication of the fate of certain nations, and how long the comet will be seen in the skies. He mentions – “The Great Star will blaze for Seven days” meaning the comet will be very near the earth for seven days and nights. Further he says – “The Huge dog will howl at night, when the great pontiff will change lands”. The great dog is taken to be the United Kingdom by many interpreters, and the line suggests its destruction. The pontiff is taken to be the pope and hence Rome too will be destroyed

Shet kinikilabutan ako. Mamaya na ako magbblog. Inexpress ko lang ang matindi kong pagkabahala dito :D I will enlighten myself muna. :)


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